Papers and publications
View John's Academia page here or his Researchgate profile
Guenther , J., Disbray, S., & Osborne, S. 2016. Red dirt education: a compilation of learnings from the Remote Education Systems project. Retrieved from
Guenther , J. 2016, 12 May 2016. Resourcing for remote schools: what difference does it make? , Retrieved August 2016, from
Guenther, J., & McRae-Williams, E. 2016. What gaps need closing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander training provision? Research Today(17), 5-6.
McRae-Williams, E., Guenther, J., Jacobson, D., & Lovell, J. 2016. What are the enablers of economic participation in remote and very remote Australia, and how can we identify them? Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts [Special Issue: Synthesis & Integration(19), 6-25. doi:
Guenther, J., Osborne, S., Arnott, A., & McRae-Williams, E. 2015. Hearing the voice of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander training stakeholders using research methodologies and theoretical frames of reference. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/13613324.2015.1110294
Guenther, J. 2015. Overview of Remote Education Systems qualitative results. CRC-REP Working Paper. CW025, Ninti One Limited Retrieved July 2015 from
Guenther, J., Halsey, J., & Osborne, S. 2015. From Paradise to beyond: Geographical constructs and how they shape education in the ‘bush’. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 25(3).
Guenther, J. 2015. Analysis of National Test Scores in Very Remote Australian Schools: Understanding the Results through a Different Lens. In H. Askell-Williams (Ed.), Transforming the Future of Learning with Educational Research (pp. 125-143). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Guenther, J., Disbray, S., & Osborne, S. 2015. Building on ‘Red Dirt’ Perspectives: What Counts as Important for Remote Education? Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 44(2), 194-206. doi:
Guenther, J., Disbray, S., & Osborne, S. 2014. Digging up the (red) dirt on education: one shovel at a time. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues (Special Edition), 17(4), 40-56.
Guenther, J. 2014. Measuring the unmeasured in educational programs: filling in the blanks through evaluation. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts, 14(Special Issue: Evaluation), 204-222.
Guenther, J., Bat, M., & Osborne, S. 2014. Red dirt thinking on remote educational advantage. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 24(1), 51-67.
Guenther, J., & Galbraith, M. 2014. Learning from evaluations of school-family strengthening programs: Lessons for all. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 14(2), 42.
Guenther, J. 2014. Families and Schools Together (FAST) at Gillen Primary School: The sustained impact of a family-strengthening process. Research Report CR002, CRC-REP, Alice Springs. Retrieved October 2014 from
Bat, M. and Guenther, J. 2013. Red dirt thinking on education: a people-based system. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 42 (Special issue 02), 123-135.
Guenther, J. 2013. Are we making education count in remote Australian communities or just counting education? Australian Journal of Indigenous Education,42 (Special issue 02), 157-170
Guenther, J. and Bat, M. 2013. Towards a good education in very remote Australia: Is it just a case of moving the desks around?.Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 42 (Special issue 02), 145-156.
Guenther, J., Bat, M. and Osborne, S. 2013. Red dirt thinking on educational disadvantage. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education,42 (Special issue 02), 100-110.
Osborne, S. and Guenther, J. 2013. Red dirt thinking on aspiration and success. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 42 (Special issue 02), 88-99.
Osborne, S. and Guenther, J. 2013. Red Dirt Thinking on Power, Pedagogy and Paradigms: Re-framing the dialogue in remote education. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 42 (Special issue 02), 111-122
Guenther, J 2012, Learning social circus: jumping through hoops to achieve success. Working paper series 3: Evaluation learnings. No. 5 Covaluator Network, Retrieved December 2012 from
Williams, E., Guenther, J. and Arnott, A. 2011. Traditional healing: a literature review. Working paper series 2: Evaluation and policy. No. 2, Covaluator Network, Retrieved March 2011 from
Arnott, A. Guenther, J. Davis, V. Foster, D., Cummins, E. 2010. Evaluation of the Akeyulerre Healing Centre. Final evaluation report prepared by the Charles Darwin University Social Partnerships in Learning (SPiL) Consortium, Retrieved April 2013 from
Guenther, J. and Arvier, M. 2010. Mobile Family Resource Service for Parents and Young Children. Rural Child Health: International Aspects. Eds. E. Bell and J. Merrick. New York, Nova Biomedical Books: 125-134.
Bell, E. and Guenther, J. 2010, ‘Breakfree’: a rural community-based crime prevention program for young women, December 2010, University of Tasmania University Department of Rural Health, Cat Conatus.
Guenther, J. 2010. “Vocational learning in the frame of a developing identity”. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts, 1(2010), 44-56. Retrieved March 2011 from
Guenther, J., Castle, K., Raymond, N. and Berschl, K. 2010. "Training for employment outcomes in Indigenous contexts: Straddling the space between cultures." VOCAL, The Australian Journal of Vocational Education & Training in Schools.
Guenther, J and Arvier, M, 2009, "Assessing the impact of
a mobile family resource service for parents and young children." International
Journal of Child Health and Human Development 2(2).
Guenther, J., Arnott, A. and WIlliams, E. 2009, Measuring the unmeasurable: Complex evaluations in the Northern Territory. Working paper series 1, Paper 1,, Retrieved April 2010 from
Young, M and Guenther, J, 2008, "The shape of Aboriginal learning
and work opportunities in desert regions." The Rangeland Journal 30:
Guenther, J Falk, I Arnott, A Lucardie, D and Spiers, H, 2008, Examining
learning partnerships in northern Australia. National Centre for Vocational
Education Research, Adelaide.Retrieved July 2010 from
Guenther, J Falk, I and Arnott, A, 2008, The role of vocational
education and training in welfare to work. National Centre for Vocational Education
Research, Adelaide, Retrieved July 2010 from
Guenther, J and Falk, I 2007, "Northern Territory
Domestic and Family Violence policy and practice: engagement through
evaluation." The
Australasian Journal of Community Engagement 2(1): 157-165.
Guenther, J and Millar, P 2007, Promoting successful collaboration
in the Communities for Children context, Australian Research Alliance
for Children and Youth, Perth.
Learning Research Group and officers from The Department of Chief Minister
2006, Evaluation of the Northern Territory Government Domestic and
Family Violence Strategies, Charles Darwin University, Darwin.
Millar, P & Guenther, J 2007, Supporting and capacity building
for our partners, Topical Paper No. 5, University Department of
Rural Health, University of Tasmania for the Australian Research Alliance
for Children and Youth.
Falk, I Guenther, J Lambert, T & Johnstone, K 2006, Role of evaluation
in assessing and developing communication and governance processes in
an evidence-based policy development/implementation environment,
Paper presented to the AES International Conference – Darwin, 4-7
September, 2006.
Young, M Guenther, J & Boyle, A 2007, Growing the Desert: Educational
pathways for remote Indigenous peoples, NCVER, Adelaide.
Guenther, J 2005, Learnline at Charles Darwin University: Usage and
staff evaluation, Report for CDU Academic Development Unit, Darwin.
Guenther, J & Millar, P 2005, Building self-reliance and well-being,
Oakleigh redevelopment and community linkages project, Stage C consultancy
report, for The Salvation Army Tasmania Property Trust. Cat Conatus,
Guenther, J & Dwyer, I 2005, Evaluation of the Information Technology
Training Project, Report for the Office of Post Compulsory Education
and Training, Hobart, Available online:
[Accessed April 2006]
Guenther, J Young, M Boyle, A Schaber, E & Richardson, J 2005, Growing
the desert: Effective educational pathways for remote Indigenous peoples,
Desert Knowledge CRC and National Centre for Vocational Education Research,
Guenther, J & Millar, P 2004, Evaluation of the Break O’Day
Volunteer Resource Centre, Cat Conatus, Ulverstone.
NTCOSS 2004, Creating effective pathways to employment and training
for the employment disadvantaged in the Northern Territory. Charles
Darwin University Learning Research group, Northern Territory Council
of Social Service, Darwin. (co-author and report editor)
Kilpatrick, S & Guenther, J 2003, ‘Successful VET partnerships
in Australia’. International Journal of Training Research,
Vol 1. Kilpatrick, S & Guenther, J 2003. Survey of computers, Internet and
broadband in the Kentish Municipality, Centre for Research and Learning
in Regional Australia, Launceston.
Falk, I. and Guenther, J. 2002, Literacy and numeracy for the new
world of un/employment - Implications of a fully literate Australia.
ALNARC. Language Australia.
Guenther, J. & Falk, I. 2002, What makes ‘good’ literacy
and numeracy provision? Findings from Australian research, Literacy
Today. Sep 2002.
Conference and seminar presentations
Guenther , J. 2016. 'It's just teasing': The implications of violence in remote schools. Paper presented at the SWAPv Conference 2016, Flinders University, Adelaide. 13 July 2016. Retrieved from
Guenther , J., Marshall, M., Dwyer, A., Wooltorton, S., Boughton, B., Stephens, A., . . . Bat, M. 2016. Enhancing Training Advantage for Remote Learners. Paper presented at the No Frills Conference, CQU Rockhampton. 5 July 2016. Retrieved from
McRae-Williams, E., & Guenther, J. 2016. Our North, Whose Future? Paper presented at the Developing Northern Australia Conference 2016, Darwin. 20-22 June 2016. Retrieved from
Guenther, J. 2015. Conspiring to inspire community aspirations through remote education. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education annual conference, Fremantle. 30 November 2015. Retrieved from
Guenther, J., & Disbray, S. 2015. Why local staff matter in very remote schools. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education annual conference, Fremantle. 1 December 2015. Retrieved from
Guenther, J., & McRae-Williams, E. 2015. The training and employment challenge of remote communities: Is collaboration the solution? Paper presented at the AVETRA 18th Annual Conference, Melbourne. 10 April 2015. Retrieved January 2016 from Guenther, J., & McRae-Williams, E. (2015). The training and employment challenge of remote communities: Is collaboration the solution? Paper presented at the AVETRA 18th Annual Conference, Melbourne. 10 April 2015. Retrieved from
Guenther, J. 2015. How can academia contribute to participatory methodologies for community engagement in the diverse cultural contexts of remote Australia? Paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society NT Seminar Series, Darwin. 20 February 2015. Retrieved from
Guenther, J., Milgate, G., O'Beirne, P., & Osborne, S. 2014. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aspirations and expectations of schooling in very remote Australian schools. Paper presented at the AARE-NZARE 2014 Conference, Queensland University of Technology Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane.
Benveniste, T., Guenther, J., Dawson, D., & Rainbird, S. 2014. Out of sight, out of mind? Bringing Indigenous parent- boarding school communication to light. Paper presented at the 2014 AARE-NZARE Conference: Speaking back through research, Kelvin Grove, Queensland.
Guenther, J., McRae-Williams, E., & Kilgariff, C. 2014. Engineering Employment Pathways in Remote Communities and the (false) hope of Collaborative Service Provision Paper presented at the NARU Public Seminar Series, Darwin.
Guenther, J., & McRae-Williams, E. 2014. Does education and training for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lead to ‘real’ jobs? Evidence from the 2011 Census Paper presented at the AVETRA 17th International Conference, Surfers Paradise. 22-24 April 2014. Retrieved June 2014 from
Guenther, J., Osborne, S., Arnott, A., McRae-Williams, E., & Disbray, S. 2014. Amplifying the voice of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander VET stakeholders using research methodologies: Volume 1. Paper presented at the AVETRA 17th International Conference, Surfers Paradise. 22-24 April 2014. Retrieved June 2014 from
McRae-Williams, E., & Guenther, J. 2014. Learning Pathways for Economic Enterprise in Remote Aboriginal Communities: Are Certificate IIIs the ticket? Paper presented at the AVETRA 17th International Conference, Surfers Paradise. 22-24 April 2014. Retrieved June 2014 from
Guenther, J 2013, Towards educational advantage in very remote Australia An analysis of 2012 NAPLAN data: what does it tell us about remote education in the last five years?, Paper presented at AARE Conference, Adelaide, 1-5 December 2013. Retrieved December 2013 from of 2012 NAPLAN data_what_has_changed.pdf
Guenther, J. 2013. Education is the key, but do we need to change the locks? Paper presented at the NARU Public Seminar Series, Darwin, 20 November 2013. Retrieved November 2013 from
Guenther, J. 2013. Education is the key, but what door does it open? The values of education for very remote NT young people. Paper presented at the CAEPR Seminar Series, 4 September 2013, Australian National University, Canberra. Retrieved November 2013 from
Guenther, J and Boyle, A 2013, How did our desert grow? With fluoro shirts on planes lined up in rows. Paper presented at the 16th annual AVETRA conference, Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, 3-5 April 2013. Retrieved April 2013 from
Guenther, J Osborne, S and Bat, M 2013, Red dirt thinking on educational disadvantage. Paper presented at the ISFIRE conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, February 2013 from
Guenther, J. 2012. Are we making education count in remote Australian communities or just counting education? Paper presented at the NARU public seminar series, Darwin. Retrieved December 2012 from
Guenther, J., & Bat, M. 2012. Towards a good education in very remote Australia: Is it just a case of moving the desks around? Paper presented at the International Rural Network Forum 2012, Whyalla and Upper Spencer Gulf. Retrieved December 2012 from
McCrae-Williams, E. and Guenther, J. 2012. Pathways: following the highway, taking the scenic route or journeying through the dreaming. AVETRA 15th Annual Conference: The Value and Voice of VET Research for individuals, industry,community and the nation, Rydges Capital Hill, ACT. 12-13 April 2012, Retrieved June 2012 from
Guenther, J., McCrae-Williams, E. and Townsend, P. 2012. Can m- and e-learning support pathways for meaningful vocation in remote communities? AVETRA 15th Annual Conference: The Value and Voice of VET Research for individuals, industry,community and the nation, Rydges Capital Hill, ACT. 12-13 April 2012, Retrieved June 2012 from
Guenther, J. 2011. Unlearning what we know is true: getting more from less in remote educational research. Post-Graduate Research Seminar Series, Flinders University, Adelaide. 10 November 2011, Retrieved June 2012 from
Guenther, J. and Arnott, A. 2011. Legitimising evaluation for vocational learning: from bastard sibling to equal brother. AVETRA 14th Annual Conference: Research in VET: Janus – Reflecting back, projecting forward, Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria. 28-29 April 2011, Retrieved April 2011 from
Guenther, J., Castle, K., Raymond, N. and Berschl, K. 2011. Lessons from an evaluation of ‘TrainingPlus’: an attempt to bridge a cultural divide through a training and employment initiative. AVETRA 14th Annual Conference: Research in VET: Janus – Reflecting back, projecting forward, Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne. 28-29 April 2011, Retrieved April 2011 from
Guenther, J., Williams, E. and Arnott, A. 2010. The politics of evaluation: evidence-based policy or policy-based evidence. NARU public seminar series, Darwin. 30 November 2010, Retrieved January 2011 from
Guenther, J., Arnott, A., Bartjen-Westerman, C., Haynes, L., Howard, R., Kalender, L. and Watkinson, J. 2010. Working with non-government organisations: dropping the defences and building bridges. Australasian Evaluation Society: Reflecting on Evaluation, Wellington, NZ. 1-3 September 2010, Retrieved September 2010 from
Guenther, J. 2010. Measuring the unmeasurable: Dealing with complex and complicated evaluations. AES Tasmania Seminar Series, University of Tasmania, Hobart. 16 July 2010, Retrieved July 2010 from
Guenther, J., Davis, V., Foster, D. and Arnott, A. 2010. Two knowledges working together. AUCEA 2010, 7th Annual Conference, Launceston. 5-7 July 2010, Australian University Community Engagement Alliance, Retrieved July 2010 from
Guenther, J. and Langworthy, A. 2010. Building social capital among students in preparation programs-lessons from the UTAS University Preparation Program. AUCEA 2010 National Conference, University of Tasmania Launceston Campus. 5-7 July 2010, Retrieved July 2010 from social capital among students in preparation programs.pdf.
Guenther, J. and Johnson, P. 2010. Engaging pre-tertiary students with low English literacy using online technologies. AUCEA 2010 National Conference, University of Tasmania Launceston Campus. 5-7 July 2010, Retrieved July 2010 from
Guenther, J., Gurruwiwi, G. and Donohoe, A. 2010. Training for life... in two worlds. AVETRA 13th Annual Conference, Holiday Inn, Gold Coast, Retrieved April 2010 from
Guenther, J. and Boonstra, M. 2009. Adapting Evaluation Materials for Remote Indigenous Communities and Low-Literacy Participants. 12th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Perth, Western Australia, Retrieved January 2010 from
Guenther, J and Tayler, C, 2008, Indigenous Training And Development
Project: Using technology innovatively for low literacy learner, 17th NCVER No Frills
Conference, University of Tasmania, Newnham Campus, Launceston, 9-11 July
Guenther, J Tams, H and Legge, L, 2008, From Welfare to
Work in the Tamar Valley: Building skills into employment programs for
disadvantaged job
seekers, 17th NCVER No Frills Conference, University of Tasmania, Newnham
Campus, Launceston, 9-11 July 2008.
Guenther, J, 2008, The role of the evaluator in remote
contexts. Public
Seminar Series, North Australia Research Unit, 27 March 2008, Darwin.Retrieved January 2010 from
Guenther, J and Falk, I 2007, The roles of the evaluator
as objective observer and active participant. Are they mutually exclusive?,
AES International Conference. Melbourne, September 2007.Retrieved October 2010 from
Guenther, J, Falk, I, Borgelt, K,
Tyrell, A, Arnott, A, Churchill, J, Gunn, J and Black, S 2007, VET
in welfare to work: Does it work well?, EVOLUTION, REVOLUTION
OR STATUS QUO? The new context for VET, AVETRA 2007 - 10th Annual Conference,
Victoria University, Footscray Park, April 11-13th 2007.
Falk, I and Guenther, J 2007, Generalising from Qualitative Research:
Case studies from VET in Contexts, EVOLUTION, REVOLUTION OR STATUS
QUO? The new context for VET, AVETRA 2007 - 10th Annual Conference, Victoria
University, Footscray Park, April 11-13, 2007.
Guenther, J, Young, M and Boyle, A 2007, Learning for livelihoods:
Lessons from training in diverse desert contexts, EVOLUTION, REVOLUTION
OR STATUS QUO? The new context for VET, AVETRA 2007 - 10th Annual Conference,
Victoria University, Footscray Park, April 11-13, 2007.
Falk, I Guenther, J Lambert, T & Johnstone, K 2006, Role of
evaluation in assessing and developing communication and governance processes
in an evidence-based policy development/implementation environment, Paper
presented to AES International Conference, 4-7 September, 2006, Darwin.
Falk, I & Guenther, J 2006, Generalising from qualitative research:
case studies from VET in contexts, Paper presented at 15th National
Vocational Education and Training Research Conference: July 2006, Mooloolaba,
Guenther, J Millar, P & Falk, I 2006, Characteristics of Communities
of Practice: Would the real Community of Practice please stand up! Paper
for presentation at AVETRA conference April 2006, Wollongong.
Guenther, J & Falk, I 2006, Partners in practice: Does the national
VET rhetoric connect with community reality? Paper for presentation
at AVETRA conference April 2006, Wollongong.
Guenther, J 2005, Identity formation in effective vocational education
and training programs, Paper presented to NCVER No Frills conference, Wodonga,
July 2005, Retrieved July 2010 from
Promising Practice Profiles
Communities and Families Clearinghouse Australia 2009, FAST (Families and Schools Together), Darwin. Promising Practice Profiles. Australian Institute for Family Studies, Retrieved June 2009 from
Communities and Families Clearinghouse Australia 2009, HIPPY (Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters), Burnie. Promising Practice Profiles. Australian Institute for Family Studies, Retrieved March 2009 from
Communities and Families Clearinghouse Australia, 2010, Bernie on Wheels. Promising Practice Profiles. Australian Institute for Family Studies,
Contact information:
Assoc Prof John Guenther
mail: PO Box 2363, Parap, Northern Territory, 0804
mobile: 0412 125 661
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